Jerry Miller
John 5: 24
I was raised in a Christian home and saved at the age of 9 at a Nazarene Camp Meeting.
After running for years from the Lord's call to surrender to the ministry, I finally began preaching at the age of 20. An accident while working in the oil fields in south Arkansas had left me with a severely injured hand.
Since I couldn't work and no longer had an excuse to miss church, I attended the following Sunday morning's service. The preacher's sermon was entitled, The Rotten Plank in Church. It left me under conviction so I decided to go forward and rededicate my life. However, that didn't relieve the conviction of the Holy Spirit to surrender my life to preach His Word. The next night, at a youth rally, I fully surrendered my life to His will and I've been preaching ever since.
My advice to any facing disappointment, conflict, or failure is to keep your eyes on the Lord. Too much focus on other things or other people will only lead you further down the wrong path. However, you do need Godly mentors to encourage you and help guide you when you can't focus clearly. That is one reason we all need a good church family, to hold us accountable.
I admonish you all, be willing and the Lord will use you! And, if you have gone astray, He is ready and willing to accept you back into fellowship with Him. Make it right today, don't delay.
To the younger generation, I want to encourage you with all my heart to never stop serving the Lord. Whether you sing, teach, pastor, or are an active contributing member of a congregation, continue with the Lord - He will never disappoint you. Try as you may, you will never be able to find a better way.