Authored by King David, Psalm 139 illustrates how beautifully the Creator knows us. He knows us by name. He considers our thoughts, our ways, and the content of our hearts. We are always in the Lord's presences. David also knew that God formed him in a hidden place, but granted him free will to decide what kind of person he would choose to become and this is still true for us today.

Choices have consequences
David made choices that lead to some tragic consequences, but David also humbled himself and with a repentant heart asked for forgiveness, direction, and he sought the affirmation of God's love. In our struggles we are wise to do the same.
David's life is a story of contradictions. From a humble shepherd boy to a poet, warrior, and king; David struggled between his carnal nature and his spiritual redemption. At some level, we understand King David, because in our own struggles too some degree we are like him.
David reminds us that we cannot hide from God's spirit even when we struggle in the dark or in our own hidden places. When we seek the Lord, we often discover that He has been there all along!