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Men's Ministries

Ministry Leader: Barry Strange


Men's 2nd Saturday Prayer Breakfast


On the 2nd Saturday of each month the men of Cornerstone Fellowship host a Prayer Breakfast at the Church beginning at 8:00 A.M.


We encourage our adult men and teenaged young men to join us for good food, fellowship and devotional time, as we uplift each other and give Praise and Glory to our Lord and Savior ‘Jesus Christ’.


Everyone is welcomed to bring a friend, neighbor or loved one to fellowship with us, as well.













Shepherd Committee

At Cornerstone Fellowship Church we believe that we should love each other the same way our heavenly Father loves us. To this end, we have formed a Shepherd Committee consisting of 21 Under-Shepherds of our Pastor, Associate Pastor & Youth Minister.


Each Shepherd is responsible for four to six fellow members/sheep. That responsibility consists of (but is not limited to) the following: personal contact regarding members absence from church, prayer partners in time of need and reporting to our Pastor, Associate Pastor and/or Youth Minister membership needs.

At Cornerstone Fellowship Church we believe that, our Pastor(s) are Under-Shepherds of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (our “Good Shepherd”), and that we all have an important role in ensuring that our members and visitors experience the love Jesus has for us and that we have for each other.

We believe in the Parable of the Lost Sheep found in Matthew 18: 12-14 and Luke 15: 3-7.

Jesus leaving the 99 to find the one seems illogical, irrational and senseless-- unless that "one" is you. 


Men's Retreat

Organizer: Jesse Burlinson


The Men's Tri-County Retreat is a great opportunity for men to get away from the daily hustle and reconnect to the "Father." Held the first weekend in March, Thursday through Saturday, men gather to worship, have Bible study, and eat great food. Come join us -- "Real men, getting real."

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